23 July, 2005

Innocent Ramblings of a Schizoholic

Where, oh where did my sanity go?
Oh where, oh where can it be?
Is it under the bed
Or drinking with Fred
Oh where, oh where can it be?

Maybe you should actually describe things that go on in your life on your blog
But there are so many people already doing that, why don't I make this one different?
Your idea of different may be a little bit toooo different for most people
Well, people that know me enjoy my sense of humour, and I've got to believe that others do too
Don't you think that maybe people that know you want to know what the hell is happening with you, since you live so far away from them all?
It's possible, but I hate the thought of becoming just another rambling livejournal idiot talking about their pet rock's latest adventure falling off the desk
Then why don't you try and figure out how many people are actually looking at this thing, and see what they want?
Heh, when's the last time you knew of a reliable way to guess at the identities of the people visiting your blog site?
Well, you can either start posting about things that happen in your life, or you can wait for the occasional break that comes in between hectic work projects to post some outdated and barely relevant scrap of technical data or humour every few months
That's a damn sight better than "oh, look at me, I went grocery shopping today, and I stepped on a worm! 5 paragraphs of mourning..."
Screw it then. I'll just sneak on here and put things now and then when you aren't looking.
Fine, be that way.

18 July, 2005

Pangs of Mortality

Recently, I've been feeling quite mortal. Ever since March, when I had some medical problems (for the entire month), I've been frequently reminded of my own limited lifespan, and have questioned what I've done and what I haven't done.

I feel pretty happy with the way I've lived my life, and if it ends soon then most of the regrets that I will have will centre around being unable to see where we go as a species in the next sixty-odd years, and not being able to spend many more years with those I love. A long time ago, I decided that my time on Earth was all that I had and that there was no afterlife of any tangible kind awaiting me when I die. As a result, I believe that the only way I will live on after death is in electronic words and the memories of others, and that at some point all of that will be relegated to history (hence the blog name).

It's odd, when you think about it... Human beings (and life) are fragile in the individual case, and it takes very little to kill most creatures. However, on a higher species or all-life level, life is very resilient and is able to grow and adapt to many, many things. I'm honoured to have had a chance to play some infinitesimal part in all of this, and I firmly believe that humanity is destined to be something truly great, and that we will not wipe ourselves out before we reach that destiny.