07 August, 2005

Here, doggy doggy doggy...

So, now there's been a successful cloning of a dog in South Korea. Interesting. Kinda reminds me of something called RePet from The Sixth Day - when your dog died, you could get an exact copy of it cloned from RePet. Another interesting thing is the number of attempts required to get this one clone:
In order to create Snuppy -- short for Seoul National University Puppy -- the team had to create 1,095 canine embryos that were transferred into 123 surrogate bitches resulting in three successful pregnancies.

One foetus miscarried but two others were delivered, including Snuppy on April 24. The other cloned dog died after 22 days from pneumonia.

Seems like there's definitely room for improvement, which is to be expected with a first generation (or regeneration) technology. A lot of this article also talks about the possibility of human cloning - I'm willing to bet that, somewhere on this planet, there will be a clone of a human created at some point in the next five years, laws or no laws.


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