29 March, 2006

Time to relax...

...you would not believe how long it takes to compile CenterICQ 4.21.0 on a 70 MhZ SparcStation 5. Hooray for stopping and smelling the roses until fall arrives.

And hooray for doing something mildly useful with ancient hardware.

[Update, 1 day later]
straxus@OpenStraxuSD [/home/straxus]# which centericq
straxus@OpenStraxuSD [/home/straxus]# centericq
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
straxus@OpenStraxuSD [/home/straxus]#

Absolutely fantastic - I'm so glad I spent ~20 hours of CPU time on that, as well as clearing enough stuff off of the /usr partition that the compile was barely able to finish (the intermediate objects took up over 200 meg - big deal on a 400 meg partition!).


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