14 February, 2006

The spin cycle

I just can't believe the differences in these two things.

1. Wayne Gretzky's wife may have placed a bet with a bookie handled by Rick Tocchet (More coverage here). This is a relatively minor event, and yet it has been given huge headlines over the last few days, and the media here in Canada seems to be utterly obsessed with this story even though there doesn't actually appear to be one at all.

2. United States Vice President Dick Cheney practically BLEW SOMEONE'S FACE OFF while hunting on Saturday. The guy's 78, a millionaire lawyer, and he just had a bloody heart attack when some of the pellets started interfering with his heart. I've been seeing things like 'very stable' condition and 'silent heart attack' used, and I think this is the first time in a while I've seen this kind of restraint used by so many media outlets. As well, nobody's making much noise about the fact that they didn't even have the proper permit and Cheney obviously didn't follow the cardinal rule of hunting - DON'T SHOOT PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY NOT PEOPLE IN NEON ORANGE. Republican editors, anyone?

It astounds me that the media thinks that #1 is huge news and #2 is something to be quieted down and smoothed over. I'm definitely reminded of why I like to get my news from at least 15 different websites - best chance of getting true facts and not editorial spin.

Happy Valentine's Day, with a big heart (attack) from Cheney.


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